


Under the name Basketballclub Schaan Woodchucks (BBC Schaan Woodchucks), an association exists according to Art. 246 ff of the Liechtenstein Civil and Company Law.


The association is located in 9494 Schaan.


The association is of indefinite duration.
The association year begins on August 1st and ends on July 31st.


The association promotes basketball and organizes an orderly playing operation for the sport. The association aims to inspire and win youth for basketball, as well as to foster camaraderie within the association.
The association is politically and confessionally neutral


  1. Membership

    1. Association Members

The association consists of the following members:

  • Junior Members

  • Active Members

  • Passive Members

  • Honorary Members

  1. Junior Members

Junior members include all active members who have not yet completed their 18th year of life.

  1. Active Members

Active members are those who actively practice basketball or actively participate in the association's life.

  1. Passive Members

Passive members support the association through an annual minimum contribution set by the general meeting.

  1. Honorary Members

Honorary members can be appointed individuals who have made special contributions to the association or basketball sport. They are proposed by the board and appointed by the general meeting.


  1. Admission

The admission of new members is made by the board and requires confirmation by the general meeting with a 3/4 majority of the voting members present.

  1. End of Membership

Membership ends through voluntary withdrawal, expulsion, or death.

The departing member is liable for contributions for the current year.

  1. Withdrawal

Withdrawal can take place at any time, provided all obligations to the association have been met. Withdrawal must be communicated to the board in writing.

  • Expulsion

An expulsion can occur if a member:

  • is guilty of gross or repeated violations of statutory obligations.

  • violates the resolutions and instructions of the association's bodies.

  • fails to meet their financial obligations to the association.

  • shows a lack of interest in the association's activities.

  • damages the interests and reputation of the association through their behavior, statements, or appearance.


Expulsion is carried out on the proposal of the board and must be confirmed by the general meeting at the latest after one year. Until the decision of the general meeting, the rights and obligations of the member are suspended. The member excluded by the board can appeal to the general meeting within 14 days.

  1. Voting Rights

At the general meeting, active and honorary members have voting rights. Only at a general meeting specially convened for the dissolution of the association do passive members also have voting rights.

  1. Membership Fee

The minimum membership fee is CHF 50.-, the maximum CHF 250.-. Junior, active, and passive members pay an annual contribution set by the general meeting. Board members and honorary members do not have to pay an annual fee.


  1. Organization

The organs of the association are:

  • the General Meeting (GV)

  • The Board

  • The Auditors

  1. The General Meeting

The ordinary general meeting is the highest organ of the association. It meets once a year. The members are to be invited by the board in writing at least ten days before the general meeting, stating the agenda items.


The general meeting is convened by the board. Extraordinary general meetings are convened by the board in case of special urgency or if at least one-third of the voting members request it in writing, stating the agenda items to be discussed. The convocation of the extraordinary general meeting must take place within two months after submission of the request.

  1. Decision Making

The general meeting is responsible for decision making on:

  • Approval of the annual report and the annual accounts

  • Approval of the auditors' report

  • Approval of the budget

  • Discharge of the board

  • Setting of annual fees

  • Election of the President and other board members

  • Election of the auditors

  • Appointment of honorary members

  • Admission and exclusion of junior and active members

  • Revision of the statutes and regulations

  • Decision making on proposals from the board or individual members

  • Election of members for special tasks

  1. Quorum

The general meeting is quorate if more than one-third of the voting members are present, except for the dissolution of the association.

  1. Elections

In elections or decisions, voting is open. Upon special request (from a present voting member), a secret ballot can be demanded. In elections and decisions, the absolute majority of the votes cast decides. In case of a tie, the president or his deputy decides.


  1. The Board

The board consists of the president and at least four other board members, who are elected by the general meeting for one year. Re-election is permissible.

The following positions must be distributed within the board and are to be carried out by three different board members:

  • President

  • Vice President

  • Treasurer

  1. President

The president leads the board meetings and the association meetings. He usually represents the association externally. He convenes the board as needed or at the request of a board member.

  1. Vice President

The vice president is the deputy of the president.

  1. Treasurer

The treasurer manages the accounting and the financial operations. He is responsible for the funds and securities entrusted to him.

  1. Tasks

The board leads the association within the framework of the statutes in financial, organizational, and sports terms. The board is responsible for:

  • Provisional admission, proposal for suspension, or exclusion of members

  • Representation of the association externally

  • Execution of decisions, management of operations, and direction of association events

  • Contact with its members, authorities, associations, and other clubs.

  1. Authority

The board is authorized to provisionally replace board members who resign during the current association year until the general meeting. It is also authorized to appoint commissions or individual members to manage extraordinary tasks.

The board has all the powers that are not expressly reserved for the general meeting.


The legally binding signature is carried out by the president collectively with another board member. Receipts are legally signed by the treasurer alone.

  1. Quorum

The board is quorate if at least three of its members are present. It passes resolutions with the absolute majority of those present. In case of a tie, the president or his deputy decides.

  1. The Auditors

The general meeting elects at least one auditor for one year. The auditor has to audit the accounting and the annual accounts, to inspect the cash balance, the inventory, as well as securities and to submit a report to the general meeting about their findings. The current auditors are re-eligible.


  1. Finances

The association is financed through:

  • Membership fees

  • Sponsors and patrons

  • State and municipal contributions

  • Other income

  1. Liability

For all liabilities of the association, only the association's assets are liable.

  1. Claim to Association Assets

The members have no claim to the association's assets. Profits generated by the association may not be distributed among the members.

  1. Amendment of the Association Statutes

The amendment of these statutes can only be decided by the general meeting. The absolute majority of all present voting members decides.


Amendment proposals not originating from the board must be submitted to it in writing at least 14 days before the general meeting. Such proposals are to be submitted by the board to the general meeting.

  1. Dissolution of the Association

For the purpose of dissolving the association, a general meeting specially convened for this purpose is required. At this special general meeting, active members, passive members, and honorary members have voting rights. This is only quorate if 2/3 of all voting members are present. If this meeting is not quorate, it must be reconvened within 4 weeks. A three-quarters majority of all present voting members decides.

In the event of dissolution, the general meeting decides on the liquidation or manner of dissolution and the use of any remaining association assets.

  1. Liability

The association disclaims any liability for damages resulting from the actions of its members within the scope of the association's operations. In addition, the association disclaims any liability for accidents, theft, etc., that occur during the practice of the sport.

  1. Data Protection

The provisions on data protection according to the GDPR are strictly adhered to by the association. By joining, each member consents to the association capturing and processing their personal data (in particular name, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, occupation, function in the association) through data processing and sharing within the association, especially for information, accounting, and delivery of all kinds of informational materials. The member further consents to the use of photos taken of the member for association purposes - in particular their publication in association media (online and print). The association also reports the personal data of members to the Municipality of Schaan, the Liechtenstein Olympic Committee, and if necessary, to the Office for Sport of the Liechtenstein Government Administration for the purpose of applying for annual contributions or sports funding.